API Store - AISP-Sandbox


07/Feb/2024 19:32:57 PM CET


This is KB REST API supposed to be used by AISP (Account Information Service Provider) to retrieve the list of client's accounts, account balance and transaction history


You require a testing certificate and an access token to try the API. Please create and verify your account and contact us on api@kb.cz to receive a testing certificate. You can generate an access token in Applications menu.


The selected application does not have an access token for the selected environment. Please go to the subscription page and generate an access token first.

Authorization : Bearer
Name Summary
Popis registrace do Sandboxu a práce s ním Příručka pro třetí stranu s postupem pro získání přístupu do Sandbox přes konzoli na API portálu a pro práci se Sandboxem. Download
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Download client-side SDKs for this API.